Jews Love to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays for lots of reasons. I relish the chance to be thankful among family and friends and eat fattening food at the same time. I love that my kids ALWAYS are here, unless they are abroad. I adore that it is a very long weekend off from work. (yay for not working retail)

My children love Thanksgiving the same way I do. Now that my daughter lives away (one of the things I am NOT thankful for) it is extra special to have her home for four full days. We have a great time together and with friends.

So it was a bit of a shock when my daughter texted me today that she might not get off work and may not be able to make it. My heart completely dropped out of my chest.

She works as a mental health therapist at a hospital and like retail, hospitals know NO holidays. But come on, Thanksgiving? Staffing during holidays is always an issue.

Fortunately, my daughter was able to do some switching and it looks like she will be here. Hurray! Mom is doing a happy dance.

On another important topic, it seems that lots of people don’t understand that our religious persuasion celebrates Thanksgiving.  Yes, Virginia, Jews celebrate Thanksgiving. It is a family holiday and an American holiday and we happen to love it.

This year is meaningful in more ways as it unbelievably falls on the first night of Chanukah as well. Two holidays for the price of one. I can’t tell you the last time my kids were both around to light the menorah together for Chanukah. How cool is that. (And no I am not linking to the multitude of websites for Thanksgivingkkuh – the term they are calling this coincidence.)

So now, I am gearing up for an extra special holiday! Hope you all enjoy as well!


  • What you said Bonnie!

  • Bonnie Lassin Grant

    Arlene, why would people think that Jews don’t celebrate Thanksgiving? We’re Americans and Thanksgiving is a wonderful American holiday, just like the 4th of July. Do people think Jews don’t celebrate the 4th of July? Anyway, I think I like Halloween and Thanksgiving better than Chanukah, which by the way, is coming WAY TOO EARLY this year!! Thanksgivingkkuh, that’s funny. I guess, I’ll just have to embrace it and do my holiday shopping at the same time as buying food for Thanksgiving!

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